Why Us?
Bliss Painting is a small close knit company that thrives on customer satisfaction. We are licensed, insured, accredited, lead safe, and OSHA certified. Our goal is to ensure safe practices while turning your dream painting project into reality. It is important to us to make sure you are completely happy with our end product. We even offer a 1 year guarantee.
We practice safety measures on a daily basis: Respirators, harnesses, hard hats, Tyvek suits you name it, we most likely have it. Our safety record is outstanding! We have also received many local awards for quality workmanship!
We practice safety measures on a daily basis: Respirators, harnesses, hard hats, Tyvek suits you name it, we most likely have it. Our safety record is outstanding! We have also received many local awards for quality workmanship!
Being OSHA certified we are trained to make a safe and healthy work environment for everyone!
Voted "Alpena's Best" for the last 11 years in a row!